Timeograph is designed by utilizing the philosophy of the stone and was inspired by the traditional cuckoo clock. This traditional design is combined with natural stone and designed in a modern way.
Group Project with Simay Demirel
for IMIB Natural Stone Design Competition | 2022
Stone, which is one of the materials of the strongest artifacts transmitted from the past to the present, has also been the material of alchemists seeking eternity in the past. Although infinity remained a wish, the myriad kinds of cycles in the universe remind us of a broader infinity. A day, which consists of day and night formed by the rotation of the Earth around itself and its division into 24 parts, is one of the important cycles that affect us in our lives. The cycle of a day, starting from 00.00 to 23.59 and reaching 00.00 again and repeating itself continuously, makes the person feel that the process will continue even if their life is over.
The material of Timeograph is basalt due to its durability, ease of processing, and abundance in Turkey. In addition, the fact that it is used in the production of the lithophone, which is one of the oldest musical instruments in the world, has been a factor in this choice.
The sphere hand takes its new position by rotating 330° counterclockwise per hour and stops at the new position until the next hour.
The sphere hand continues the cycle by returning all the way clockwise after completing its 12-hour rotation at the beginning and at the middle of the day.
The hand, to which the sound-creating sphere is attached, is connected to the center of the dial of the clock. The path in which the melody is scratched and the sphere follows is arranged to differ at every hour, and the sphere-hand connection is designed with a movable mechanism in order for the sphere to follow this path. The movement of the sphere is activated by the hour hand. The hour and minute hands, differing in design from the sphere hand, are positioned between the watch dial and the clock movement to allow their movement around the dial.